Babylon 5 - 13
  Babylon 5 - 13

The Long Dark and Spider In The Web.



Sci-Fi Video


The Long Dark

A battered pioneer ship, the Copernicus, appears near Babylon 5 carrying an astonishing cargo - two humans frozen in stasis for over 100 years. There is only one problem, one of them is dead, with all vital organs missing. Is the killer the beautiful female survivor, or a deadly and unkown force which lurked aboard the Copernicus? When the murders start and a crazy vagrant begins raving about a demonic creature of the night, the Babylon 5 crew must track down the beast before it kills, and keeps killing.

Spider In The Web

When will Mars be free? A violent fanatic, determined to win freedom for the Mars colony at any cost, is stalking Babylon 5 and murdering anyone who gets in his way with a high voltage cybernetic weapon. A chance scan by a telepath reveals the shocking truth - the assassin is dead, killed during the Mars Rebellion. Could the horrific resurrection be part of a sinister and elaborate conspiracy not to free Mars, but to enslave it forever?

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